Hymn Summary: Fifth Sunday after Trinity

“Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake (LSB 688) — 1 yr

Based upon the Holy Gospel of today (Luke 5:1–11) this hymn by Johann Scheffler (1624–1677) focuses upon the works a Christian does after coming to faith. Believers are to deny themselves and ever affirm Christ crucified. Our minds are to be like Christ’s—humble, meek, and submissive to God. Christians are taught to live in love with one another, without abandoning the doctrine of Christ. Above all else, the Christian is called upon to cling to the cross, to cling to the means of our salvation. After the battle of this life is the eternal crown in heaven for those dying in the Christian faith.

O Christ, Our True and Only Light (LSB 839) — 3 yr

Written in the midst of the Thirty Years’ War, Johann Heermann’s (1585–1647) hymn confesses the eternal Light shining in the midst of the darkness of this world. Further, his own son had become a Roman Catholic (though he returned to Lutheranism later).  Heermann, along with his parishioners, needed hymns of comfort. The comfort provided by Christ the light is the gracious forgiveness of sins. The prayer is that Christians would be reminded of their need and comfort and that those who do not yet know Christ would hearken to His voice, that is, believe in him unto salvation.  The result prayed for is that all would believe and sing the true confession of faith in unity in earth and heaven. All praise be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.


Rev. Thomas E. Lock serves as Kantor/Assistant Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, Colorado.